Wednesday, July 31, 2013


This is my second blog and I look forward to sharing with YOU, my experiences balancing God, Family, and Medical School. I am writing particularly to:

future medical students
current medical students
family members of a medical student
family members/spouse of doctors
medical students trying to balance God, family, & medical school
people that want a daily inspirational thought
people that like reading random blogs
& last, but not least, Texans...

because I am a Texan and proud of it. As a matter of fact, I believe the reason I got into Medical School was because I became a Texan. If you'd like to read my story of how I got into Medical School please visit my first blog:

My experience getting into Medical School was one of failure, faith, and triumph. There were times in my application process where I felt that I only knew enough of the future to see enough to take one step. I did not know any more than that. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, walking step by step and before I knew it I was accepted into the program of choice and starting medical school.

I enjoyed keeping track of those steps in my application process and believe I am in that same boat (no spiritual implications there...) again, taking one step at a time, walking as much by faith as I did before, and I want to share that with others...with you!

I hope you can check back often to see the latest on how I've been able to balance God, Family, and Medical School.

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